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Bee a Monthly Donor!

Did you miss out on Colorado Gives Day? No worries! Sign up for our Monthly Giving Campaign.


Bee a monthly donor: Sign up now and for a limited time we'll send a special gift. A monthly gift spreads your donation over the course of the year. Better for budgets all around!


1. Go to the EarthLink's Page on Colorado Gives: Click HERE

2. Under "Make a Donation" on the right side of the page, click "Recurring" and enter in the monthly donation amount in the text box below. Then click "Schedule For Today". 

3. Make sure "Monthly" is checked under Donation Frequency, and schedule your start date for anytime.

4. Click continue and go to your Basket to purchase!

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Our program has ❤️, and we do a lot with very limited resources, but we still need your support to keep our operations going as the need continues to grow.

Will you consider scheduling a monthly donation of $10 or more? For the price of a few coffees a month, you can support a healthy community, a thriving urban gardening program, and a local, more sustainable economy. 

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