Hoop House
Virtual Tour Stop #10

Welcome to the Hoop House! Feel free to enjoy the warmth and greenery. Be on the lookout for a few of the herbs, flowers, and edible plants that you can sample while on the tour.
Plants in Hoop House:
Rose (Lil Georgie)
For many people in our community, the hoop house is a warm humid oasis during the winter. The hoop sustains us throughout the cold months and allows us to continue working with plants outside! It is yet another example of how magical and healing our site is.
Numbers, while important, often do not capture EarthLinks’ true impact. Here are some of the things Participants have to say about EL:
One Participant professed that the EarthLinks staff “has done so much for us,” including collaborating to find housing for her and her sister. “They saved us,” she declared.
As another Participant explains, “It’s about what goes on mentally, spiritually, [and] emotionally inside those gates.”
A different Participant affirms, “EarthLinks brought back my self-worth,” and the same Participant says, “I love the energy – the feeling. I talk to the plants, too!”
For another, the social aspects of EarthLinks are most important, especially the support of staff: “I have never in my life felt like I have had more people behind me. I know that no matter how hard things in my life get, I am not alone.” EarthLinks is her “safe place.”
One Participant even imparted that finding EarthLinks was answered prayer: “I prayed for this!” he said.

Next Steps: This is the end of the tour! Feel free to grab a drink and hangout in the patio area. If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a part of the community, click here to learn more.