Tree of Life
Virtual Tour Stop #3

Welcome to the Tree of Life. This mural is signed by past and present Participants, staff, and long-term volunteers during an annual ceremony. When someone passes on, we add a special art piece next to their name to honor them. Rituals and community gatherings are especially important here at EarthLinks. We like to celebrate with each other as frequently as possible. For many people, the experience of homelessness is an isolating and repetitive cycle. Celebrating new achievements and goals is an important step in recreating a sense of purpose and accomplishment for people.
Plants nearby:
Cherry tree
Stinging Nettle
Lemon balm
Lamb’s ear
Bee Balm
Lemon Balm
We use our unique, holistic approach because we believe in the restorative power of nature and because we believe that all people deserve the opportunity to live dignified and decent lives. We also understand that stability requires more than a roof over one’s head. To help ensure that housing outcomes are not just achieved, but also maintained, we facilitate supportive community, a sense of purpose, and a connection with Earth. The approach is small-scale and multi-modal, merging human services with environmental stewardship and combining purposeful activity, modest but meaningful income, housing placement, individualized services, supportive community, creativity, fresh food and gardening.
Next Steps: When looking at the mural, turn to the left and you will see our Peace Garden and Labyrinth. Walk over to the Labyrinth (a dirt and paved pathway) to find the next stop.